Hosting a Number Knitting Presentation

“Number Knitting” is the original modular garter stitch knitting method and was actually patented in 1948. Besides having her patterns published in popular women’s magazines of the day, the inventor of this method, Virginia Woods Bellamy, taught her method (via a correspondence course) to knitters around the world. Her book, “Number Knitting: The New All-Way Stretch Method” is a compilation of her six-part correspondence course. This book was only printed once, in 1952, and was Bellamy’s only knitting book. As a result, it fell into obscurity… until now.
Kelly Vaughn has spent the last six years working to revive the book and republish it for modern knitters. She has redrawn over 100 charts from the book and is actively seeking test knitters to learn this method and bring the patterns back to life.
Some notable features of this method include:
- The knitting is done entirely garter stitch.
- Individual modular units are knitted sequentially, one picked up form the other, to drastically reduce the need for seaming and yarn breaking.
- Because the garter stitch ridges run at opposing angles to each other, the result is an all-way stretch fabric that never loses its shape.
- A loose gauge that requires less yarn and allows more warmth to be trapped in the ridges and valleys of the garter stitch, resulting in warm clothes for less money.
- Using differing needle sizes for the various units (gauge shifting) allows the knitter to achieve a more tailored fit to garments, all without complicated math or stitch by stitch instructions for shaping.
- Patterns are all charted on a grid, using graph paper, thus simplifying the instructions.
“This is addicting!”
“I was bored with knitting, but Number Knitting has truly revived my interest.”
“I just can’t stop!”
“This is mind-blowing.”
“How have we not heard of this before?”
By hosting an event at your yarn shop, you’ll see the original book, plus Kelly’s new and improved charts. You’ll learn more about Mrs. Bellamy and what inspired her knitting method.
You’ll also learn about the process that Kelly has gone through to revive the book (such as working with the US Copyright Office, adding the patterns to Ravelry, preparing the 1952 edition as an eBook, and more). We will also have plenty of Number Knitted samples where you can touch and see for yourself this amazing method!
You’ll even go home with a free Number Knitting pattern as well as discount code for the book. You don’t want to miss out!
For information on hosting a hands-on workshop: click here.